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Wilde Works



Member since September 2021

About us

Wilde Works is a small creative business dedicated to raising awareness for social and global issues through its handmade jewellery collections. Each piece carries a message or tells a story, which the wearer can identify with and pass on.

There are so many causes that need our support, but we need our life-supporting planet above all else.

That is why, between 1 January and 31 March 2025, Wilde Works is supporting Cool Earth with 5% of every sale from its website going towards the valuable work they do with rainforest communities to halt deforestation and its impact on climate change. To find out more about Cool Earth, please click the link under Supported Charities on the right.

We are in this together and every little bit helps.


Between 2 March and 31 July 2022, in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Wilde Works supported the British Red Cross with 10% of every sale of Tiny Dot Studs, Tiny Dot Drops and Tiny Dot Pendants going towards the valuable work they do. The British Red Cross helps people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are, and has been providing humanitarian aid in Ukraine since 2014.

The Tiny Dots - part of my First Exploration collection - were originally inspired by a quotation from a book by Carl Sagan called 'Pale Blue Dot'. The book was named after an image of Earth taken by the Voyager 1 space probe from the edge of our Solar System. Now the most distant manmade object from Earth, it still communicates with us today. On board it carries a golden record with peace greetings to the Universe in 55 different languages, including whale song.

Each little dot essentially conveys a message of peace across space and time, and many of these Tiny Dots have now travelled to all corners of the world.

Kim Allwright
Jewellery Designer/Maker and founder of Wilde Works