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Wild Arc Studios Ltd

Loop the Loop Designs : Donations via our online store


07457 403880

Member since January 2024

About us

Loop the Loop Designs is a online store that provides thoughtful & personalised gifts and feel good fashion clothing.

Our Values are:
- Spreading Joy to others
- Promoting Self Love & Positive Vibes through Feel Good Fashion Coupled with Eco-conscious decision-making

Our choice to donate to Place2Be via Work for Good is driven by our passion to make a difference early in life to children and young people to help them build the coping strategies and get expert support to achieve the best outcome for their lives going forward.

Having a little girl ourselves and seeing the impact of the pandemic on parents and children we want to see mental health and wellbeing incorporated into children's education settings as standard going forward, and break the taboo of speaking about mental health.

Social media can have such an affect on young people's perspectives, body image and mental health. This is why we developed the LOVE THE PERSON IN THE MIRROR T-Shirts and Tote Bags to be our Work for Good Charitable Donation items, to promote self acceptance and self love.