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Smart Auction UK

Sell any property in 28 days - No Fees, No Commission - Transparent Service From Valuation To Completion.



Member since January 2025

About us

Smart Auction UK is owned and managed by property professionals with over 30 years of combined experience in lettings, selling properties and lands.

Prior to Smart Auction UK being born, we had been in the property industry for a number of years, and we were growing tired of the long processes, complicated jargon and useless estate agents. Picking up after the property crisis in 2008, there was a considerable number of investors that wanted to buy properties and a lot of individuals that wanted to sell. We believed it could be done better, quicker, easier and a whole lot cheaper.

Therefore, in 2009 we set out to change things. We started out as auctioneers offering zero-fee sale of any kind of properties across the UK from our one location in Nottingham city centre. From the outset, our goal was to offer a more dynamic and innovative service to sellers and buyers than was offered in the market previously. We worked our socks off, and with our small but increasing team of experts, we soon became the leading independent auctioneers locally and across the UK.

Over time, we expanded our branches to six different locations and are now located in: HQ Manchester, Birmingham, Cardiff, Chester, London, Newcastle and Nottingham. Apart from our staff working in these locations, we partner with over 4,000 independent estate agents and over 600 partner branches all over the UK, who can travel to you, even in the most remote locations. In 2022, we increased the number of employees bringing that same fresh, personal and local approach and in 2024, we are set to expand again.

We are proud to support WWF-UK because protecting wildlife is important to us and vital for the health of our planet. Protecting wildlife is close to our hearts.