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How and what to donate?

How can businesses fundraise for charity, and why they need a Commercial Participation Agreement,

We think it's amazing that you've decided to support a charity through your business. There are a few things to consider before you start fundraising, so here are some tips to help you get started.

The practicalities of raising money for charity

If you want to fundraise through your sales, you will need to have a Commercial Participation Agreement in place with each charity you want to support. We've made this process super easy via our donations form, so you can create one with your chosen charity within minutes.

How to fundraise?

The best way to regularly support your chosen charity is to donate through your business' sales.

You can make it easy and donate a % or £ of every sale, or you can raise funds through the sales of a specific product, or campaign. It's totally up to you.

How much to donate?

It's important to give in a way that is sustainable for your business, so choose a realistic figure that works for you. Businesses fundraising through Work for Good tend to donate between 5-10% of sales.

You will also need to estimate how much you think you will raise for each fundraising campaign, this should be based on your sales forecasts. The charity will be notified of your pledge, so we suggest keeping this estimate conservative. You can edit this to the amount you have raised when you come to pay your donation.

How long should campaigns be?

This depends on how long you think it may take to raise the estimated donation total, but we suggest you donate either every month or quarter and campaigns can't be longer than a year. This helps to keep your customer or clients engaged with your campaign and means the charity will receive more regular donations.

If you want to fundraise on an ongoing basis, you'll just need to set up a new campaign every time you pay a donation.

Paying your donation

There's a couple of things to keep in mind when your campaign comes to an end. The first one is that you'll need to pay your donation via the dashboard. Just click PAY, and you will be given the chance to update your donation amount to the amount you have raised.

The second, is that once your campaign ends so does your Commercial Participation Agreement, so if you would like to carry on supporting a charity simply set up another fundraising campaign and this will automatically set up a new agreement.

Which charities to support?

We've left this question last, but it's arguably the most important! Who you choose to support will say something about your business, so it’s important to select a cause and charity that reflects you and your business values and will resonate with your customers.

You can choose from hundreds of charities: from small, local ones to national and international organisations (as long as they are UK registered). If the charity you're looking to support is not listed, you can nominate them and we'll get them on board.