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FareShare is the UK's leading food charity - our mission is to fight hunger and food waste by redistributing surplus in-date good food which would otherwise go to waste to over 8,000 charities and community groups nationwide, where it is used to feed people in need.

www.fareshare.org.uk/ Fundraise for us


Registered charity no. 1100051

Member since August 2016

About us

Currently, 11 million people across the UK, including 3 million children, face food insecurity. Meanwhile, the food and drink industry wastes food equivalent to 10 billion meals every year.

FareShare addresses this issue by rescuing good-to-eat surplus food that is still in date and of perfect quality. This includes fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, and dairy products that would otherwise go to waste. The food is then redistributed 57,000 tonnes of food to almost 8,000 local charities and community groups across the UK, helping to feed over 1 million people - that's 4 meals every second!

By feeding people with surplus food, FareShare not only fulfils the food’s intended purpose but also provides a green and efficient solution. Last year alone, FareShare prevented 106,000 tonnes of CO2e emissions and saved 141 billion litres of water from being wasted.