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Get Gardening for health this autumn

We believe that if people spent more time gardening (or in gardens) they would be happier and healthier, which would reduce demands on our overstretched health and social care systems. To help, we recently launched our redeveloped Gardening for Health Information Service in the form of the Get Gardening section of our website.
The guides here provide practical advice and inspiration to engage with a mix of gardening and nature-based activities to support people of all abilities and experiences and help them find gardening as a tool for their health and wellbeing. We're keen to encourage people to use our Autumn Wellbeing Calendar of activities especially as the the clocks changed on 30th October. We know that many people self-report that they feel their mental health is affected by the change in light levels and weather.
We'll be sharing social media posts about the wellbeing activity calendar and the Get Gardening service during the next few weeks on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn using #GetGardening. Please help us spread the word by sharing from your own social media profiles.
If you can promote the Get Gardening service at any relevant events or in your newsletters, please find our promotional flyer and images in this folder Get Gardening promotional materials.