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Rachel's Story

Rachel* became homeless following a severe relationship breakdown with her mum. She had been living with her boyfriend’s family, but they were no longer able to support her and she had to leave.
Step by Step was able to offer her a place in our Havant Foyer. This would provide not only a safe place to live, but tailored support for the other challenges she faced.
Upon moving in, Rachel’s Support Worker identified that she experienced high levels of anxiety and suffered from poor mental health. Rachel was prone to angry outbursts as a result. Together, they worked to address these issues, coming up with an action plan to empower Rachel to help herself.
Rachel had always enjoyed baking, and at Christmas cooked dinner for the residents and staff at the Foyer. She decided she wanted to pursue a career in the food industry, and her Support Worker helped her enrol on a catering course at college. She soon proved herself a fantastic student – her tutors are pleased with her progress and she has shown real determination to do well.
With help from her Support Worker, Rachel has managed to reduce her anxiety and learned how to control situations that might have previously been a challenge. She has a positive relationship with staff and peers at Step by Step.
Rachel has also established a support network of friends who she enjoys spending time with, something she had always wanted to achieve but which her anxiety had prevented.
We are all incredibly proud of Rachel and everything she has achieved so far