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HG Awareness Day

Join the HG Community in the UK to celebrate International Hyperemesis Awareness Day 2021.
Throughout the month of May we will be sharing #HGtruths and shedding light on the reality of HG
We've been working really hard to bring you a packed schedule of all things HG to raise awareness and vital funds to enable PSS to continue their lifesaving work throughout the day!
10am - 'Brushed Off' Film Watch Party - Live Q+A with Producer Charlotte Howden -
11am - Unite Over HG Truths - Live + Interactive Chat -
12pm - Share Your HG Truths - see how:
2pm - All About Volunteering with PSS -
3pm - HG Hero Sponsored Silence -
4pm - HG Hero Happy Hour With Wayne Goodman the Magician -
5pm - Meet the PSS-HQ Team – Live + Interactive Chat -
6pm - Meet our Inspiring 40 Day Challenge Fundraisers -
8pm - Virtual Pub Quiz -
May 15th is International HG Awareness Day and this year's campaign is #HGtruths, shining a light on the reality of HG and giving sufferers a voice. You can help raise awareness of the condition by sharing your experience on your social channels but for many people we understand this can be daunting, especially if they have never talked about it before.
Here are some tips:
-Before you post your experience you might find it helpful to give yourself the opportunity to write more freely about your experience. In 2016 Michelle Nicholson presented her research on expressive writing for women in recovery from HG in which she asked research participants to write as freely, deeply and openly as possible about their experiences including thoughts and feelings without worrying about spelling, presentation and grammar. You could write a letter to your pregnancy sickness or write about how it is to be a pregnancy sickness survivor.
-Give yourself the opportunity to: express the unspoken, voice your anger, validate your feelings and experiences as real, vent your experience, process your experience and help yourself to heal.
-Once you have this you can then look at writing a post that you are happy sharing on social media - using some of what you have written or starting again from scratch.
-If you are happy to do so you could share an image alongside your post of you during your pregnancy to give others an insight into your life at that time.
-Remember, you only need to share what you want others to know, you are in control and can edit, delete and start again as many times as you need to until you are happy and confident with the post.
-Please add the hashtags - #HGAD2021 #HGtruths #HGtruthsPSS to enable as many people as possible to see it and add the donation button to the HG Organisation in your country to help raise as much money as possible to enable their vital work to continue.
What else can you do to get involved?
-Add the HG Awareness frame to your Facebook profile picture
-Like, comment and share our social media content
-Add a donation button to your posts to help us to raise important funds so that we can continue our life-changing work
-Look at our event page for our full HG Awareness Day schedule and see how you can get take part
-DM us your #HGtruths stories, we will share as many as we can
-Sign up as a PSS volunteer - message us to find out how!