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31 schools register for Nature Friendly Schools Programme

Nature Friendly Schools has had a momentous first year with 31 primary schools across Birmingham and the Black Country being accepted onto the programme.
Our Senior Education Officer Nicky Willner is leading the mission to bring outdoor learning to some of the most disadvantaged pupils in the country, and the impact is already starting to be felt in the first cycle of participating schools.
After spending time getting to know the teachers, pupils and grounds, our education team has created bespoke local resource packs, run hands-on staff training sessions and co-designed school development plans.
With the provision of risk assessments, lesson plans and learning resources, the programme is helping teachers to see the learning resource they have outside their classroom and is giving them confidence to take lessons outdoors.
Read more here: Nature Friendly Schools has had a momentous first year with 31 primary schools across Birmingham and the Black Country being accepted onto the programme.
Dudley Mayor raises nearly £12,000

We are delighted to announce that the Dudley Mayor’s Charity Appeal raised £11,965.25 and our sincere thanks go to everyone who donated.
Birmingham and the Black Country is home to unique and varied wildlife but it is under threat. The 2019 State of Nature Report cited that since 1970, 41% of all UK species have decreased, 15% of all UK species, including 41% of insects, are at risk of extinction – leaving our ecosystems and livelihoods in peril.
Read more here:
Finalist for Ecover Fertilise the Future Fund

Our Salmon in the Stour project has been chosen as one of 21 finalists from more than 750 projects across Europe to win £150,000 of funding from Ecover’s Fertilise the Future initiative.
The final decision will be influenced by the ‘People’s Choice’, so please show your support for Birmingham and the Black Country Wildlife Trust by using the hashtag #BBCWildlifexEcover on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram) between 30th November 2020 – 7th December 2020.
Read the full story here: