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Going further #EnrichingCommunities

It's been a busy time across Be Enriched, as we continue to focus on reducing social isolation through food. Alongside the work of our Community Canteens, Food Bus and Kids Clubs, we’ve also been creating new ways we can support the Lambeth, Southwark and Wandsworth communities.
Over the last three months, we have continued to work closely with volunteers to turn surplus ingredients into a hot, healthy three course meal for anyone who needs good food and conversation. It's also been really good to see more and more corporate companies giving up their time to join us in the kitchen, and we have more groups booking for later in the year.
We are in the process of setting up a new Food Float, to support our Food Bus. This will help us to extend the work of this unique double decker. We are also preparing to support families across the summer, while schools are closed, and there's reduced access to free meals for children.
Finally, we are working with our sister social enterprise, Brixton People's Kitchen, to open a new community shop in Clapham. This aims to replicate the offering of the Food Bus, and we hope to open this in the not-too-distant future.
Holiday Hunger Project

We supported 30 families over the summer whose children normally miss a meal in the holidays. We provided food, drink and a range of opportunities for the young people to enjoy. We were lucky to be able to partner with a school in Battersea and use the safe environment of the school to carry out the project.
In October we'll be working with the same school to reduce holiday hunger for more kids and their families